Your Donation helps!
The Weltmuseum Wien possesses internationally unique cultural treasures from all five continents. It is the most important Museum in the country dedicated to non-European culture, and it reflects Austria’s relationship with the world. For doing the costly renovations and conservation measures for the precious objects, as well as conducting research in connection with the new exhibits and other culturally diverse events, we require your additional help. There will also be a significant effort to position the Museum in the public eye along with an extensive education and outreach programme for children and adolescents.

Even in times of budgetary constraints, we remain dedicated to maintaining both the quality and the quantity of our activities, and fulfilling our core tasks in ways that will profit future generations. But we need your support!
For more information, please contact
Sandra Eichinger, BA
+43 1 52524 - 4038
Weltmuseum Wien, a museum of the KHM-Museumsverband
IBAN: AT83 6000 0005 1011 8553
Reference: Cultural Patronage Weltmuseum Wien