Tue, 5 Sep

7 pm

The Heritage of the Taino

Discussion – Extinctions?!

45 min
Participation with valid museum ticket

The Taino were declared extinct as early as the 16th century as the first indigenous society in the Western Hemisphere. This popular narrative has been severely challenged in the last twenty years by advances in DNA testing. They have shown that the Taino never became extinct, but were assimilated.

Words of welcome Christian Schicklgruber
Speaker on the topic: I. E. Laura Faxas, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic,
Carlos Andujar, General Director, Museums of the Dominican Republic (via video)
Followed by an exhibition visit with Claudia Augustat, Curator South America, Weltmuseum Vienna
Followed by drinks and snacks in the lounge of the Weltmuseum Wien Forum.

An event of the Weltmuseum Wien Friends in cooperation with the Embassy of the Dominican Republic on the occasion of the opening of the Taino vitrine in the exhibition Extinctions!?. The Weltmuseum Wien Friends association offers a variety of advanced events to all those interested in the contents of the Weltmuseum Wien, such as object discussions, special guided tours, excursions as well as film and photo lectures.

Duration: 45 min.
The lecture is free of charge (valid museum ticket required, free entrance for members of the Weltmuseum Wien Friends)
Registration: friends@weltmuseumwien.at
Meeting Point: WMW Forum

Zemi-Gürtel, Taino, Große Antillen, 1520–1560, Slg. Ambras, © KHM-Museumsverband, Weltmuseum Wien
45 min
Participation with valid museum ticket

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