Tue, 3 May
7 pmRe-telling the History of the (Indo-)European Influence on Batik
Lecture by Sabine Bolk (in English)
Sabine Bolk (1984) is a Dutch artist, researcher, and blogger who focuses on Batik and Dutch colonial history. Her research project is focused on batiks made between 1840 and 1890 on the north coast of Java (Indonesia) that are either attributed to Indo-European Batik entrepreneurs or are seen as having an Indo-European style or influence. In the lecture Sabine will address what the Dutch, European, and Indo-European influence on Javanese batik actually was and what other factors played a role in their development. The goal of her project is a re-telling of history together with Batik makers, researchers, museums, collectors, and Batik fans within a postcolonial framework.
Further information: www.journeytobatik.org/
Registration: friends@weltmuseumwien.at
Meeting point: WMW Forum
For this event please notice the current safety precautions.