Tue, 3 Sep

7 pm

Between Heaven and Earth

Talk about Indigenous literature from Brazil - (Un)Known Artists of the Amazon

180 min
The lecture is free of charge (valid museum ticket required)

The conversation will be held in German and English.

Myths, history and stories were and are passed on by Brazil's Indigenous groups through art, such as body painting, but above all orally. This is probably why it was a sensation when an Indigenous member was appointed to the Brazilian Academy of Literature for the first time in its 128-year history in 2023. Ailton Krenak has played an important role in Brazil's political and literary landscape for decades and is also internationally recognised. Who is this author and how can his work be characterised?

Curator Claudia Augustat and the Indigenous activist and writer Edson Krenak explore this question. In a joint conversation with cultural anthropologist Gabriele Herzog-Schröder, they discuss the question of the translatability of Indigenous languages.

On this occasion, they will present the book Der Sturz des Himmels (The Falling Sky) by the well-known Yanomami-shaman Dawi Kopenawa, which is published in German translation for the first time on 29 August. The translator Karin Uttendörfer will also be present.

An event of the Weltmuseum Wien Friends. The Weltmuseum Wien Friends association offers a variety of advanced events to all those interested in the contents of the Weltmuseum Wien, such as object discussions, special guided tours, excursions as well as film and photo lectures.

Duration: 180 min.
The lecture is free of charge (valid museum ticket required, free entrance for members of the Weltmuseum Wien Friends)
Registration: friends@weltmuseumwien.at   
Meeting point: WMW Forum

Buchcover Davi Kopenavi & Bruce Albert, Der Sturz des Himmels.
Ailton Krenak em entrevista ao projeto Produção Cultural no Brasil: www.producaocultural.org.br/slider/ailton-krenak/ Ailton Krenak é fundador da ONG Núcleo de Cultura Indígena. Foto tirada em 24/06/2010 pelo Garapa - Coletivo Multimídia (www.garapa.org).
180 min
The lecture is free of charge (valid museum ticket required)

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