Black History Month

Black History Month originated in the United States and was first celebrated in February 1970 at Kent State University to commemorate the achievements and history of African Americans. Since then, Black History Month has grown in significance around the world. Today, Black History Month continues the discussion on the lived experience of People of Colour as well as their contributions to culture and history with international talk series, exhibitions, educational events, film series, and more.

The Weltmuseum Wien is once again dedicating February to these topics. Right at the beginning, we start with a highlight: we have invited three young dancers from the African diaspora to each deal with one artefact from our collections and are delighted to present the dance performance ‘Echoes of Colonialism’ created for the Weltmuseum Wien on Tue, 4 February. We also invite you to several workshops, guided tours for adults and a dance workshop.


Reading list

Reading list for Diversity children books

Click here to download the reading list for Diversity childrens books. The list was created by the Schwarze Frauen Community.



Our events from

Children & FamilyWeltmuseum Wien FriendsSchools & KindergartenBarrier-free inclusion event

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