2024 has been declared the International Year of the Camelid by the United Nations. To mark the occasion, the special exhibition looks at past, present, and future encounters with camels and their close relatives. Historical and contemporary works of art, films and photographs, and important objects from the museum’s collections, some of which have never been shown before, along with international loans illustrate the close relationship between these animals and the people who live with and depend on them.
The exhibition’s thematic arc extends from the first camels – which evolved in North America – through their spread across the world and later domestication. The museum focuses on how they often are seen today as universal livestock. To address climate change, camelids have emerged as potential bearers of hope in medicine, nutrition, and the textile industry.
On the Backs of Camels exploresthe many facets of living with dromedaries, Bactrian camels, llamas, and alpacas. It examines the influence that these animals, collectively known as camelids, have on the societies of which they are a part. It also sheds light on the important roles they could play in the future.
Mag. Sarah Aistleitner
T +43 1 525 24 4025
Tanja Stigler
T +43 1 525 24 4019