Torah case with Torah scroll
In 1988 a woman sells a Torah case to the Museum. She resides in the home for the elderly administered by the Jewish community in Vienna. The case, gessoed with gold leaf, is decorated all around with a decoration of growing vine tendrils – a type of tree of life, which apparently symbolises the life-giving power of the five Books of Moses. It can be dated to 1887. The seller comes from a Bukharan Jewish family and grew up in Moscow. The Torah case and the scroll kept inside it have accompanied her from Russia via Poland and Israel to Vienna.
Object data
Torah case with Torah scroll
Torah case: poplar wood, gold leaf, ink, pigment, lacquer, brass
Torah scroll: parchment, ink
Torah case: H. 87.5 cm, Dia. 34.5 cmTorah scroll: H. 60 cm, L. total ca. 40 m
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