
A museum without a public cannot fulfil its role. This is why communicating and making our activities accessible is our number one priority. The task we have set for ourselves is to present our work to our visitors using a variety of platforms.
Find out more about some of our projects and networks here and visit us outside the museum as well!



Wir stehen für Frieden und verurteilen den Krieg gegen die Ukraine.

We stand for peace and condemn the war against Ukraine.

Ми виступаємо за мир і засуджуємо війну проти України.

Мы за мир и осуждаем войну против Украины.

For more infos click here .

Weltmuseum Wien for Refugees

Weltmuseum Wien for Refugees

English, German, Ukrainian, Persian, Pashtu

People are fleeing from the crises and war zones of the world, including to Austria. The Weltmuseum Wien stands in solidarity with those who have had to flee. Many parts of the museum, such as the "Corridor of Wonder", the reading corner and FamilyPoint in the Hall of Columns, and the restaurant can be visited without paying admission. With the "Kulturpass" ( ), refugees, including adults, families, and children, have free admission to all areas of the museum. Accompanied groups of refugees also receive free admission to the Weltmuseum Wien. We ask such groups to book in advance under

Aus den Krisen und Kriegsgebieten der der Welten flüchten derzeit Menschen, auch nach Österreich. Das Weltmuseum Wien ist mit Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung solidarisch. Viele Bereiche des Museums, wie der Korridor des Staunens, der Lese- und FamilyPoint in der Säulenhalle und das Restaurant können ohne Eintritt besucht werden. Mit dem Kulturpass ( haben geflüchtete Erwachsene, Familien und Kinder freien Eintritt ins Museum. Betreute Gruppen für Geflüchtete erhalten freien Eintritt im Weltmuseum Wien. Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter .

Зараз люди тікають із криз і зон бойових дій світу, в тому числі до Австрії. Weltmuseum Wien демонструє солідарність з біженцями. Багато частин музею, такі як дивовижний коридор і куточки для читання, можна відвідати безкоштовно. З Культурним абонементом «Голод за мистецтво та культуру», який розрахований на всіх соціально незахищених верств населення (, діти-біженці, сім’ї та дорослі можуть брати участь в екскурсіях та майстер-класах. Крім того, групи та вітальні класи отримують безкоштовний вхід до Всесвітнього музею (реєстрація під

مردم در حال حاضر از بحران ها و مناطق جنگی جهان از جمله به اتریش فرار می کنند. موزه Weltmuseum وین همبستگی خود را با پناهندگان نشان می دهد. بسیاری از مناطق موزه مانند راهرو شگفت انگیز و گوشه های مطالعه را می توان رایگان بازدید کرد. با مجوز فرهنگ گرسنگی برای هنر و فرهنگ، که هدف آن همه افراد آسیب دیده اجتماعی است (، کودکان پناهنده، خانواده ها و بزرگسالان می توانند در تورها و کارگاه های آموزشی با راهنما شرکت کنند. علاوه بر این، گروه‌ها و کلاس‌های خوشامدگویی به موزه جهانی رایگان وارد می‌شوند.

خلک دا مهال د اتریش په ګډون د نړۍ له بحرانونو او جنګ ځپلو سیمو څخه تښتي. ویلټ میوزیم وین له کډوالو سره پیوستون څرګندوي. د میوزیم ډیری ساحې لکه د حیرانتیا دهلیز او د لوستلو کونجونه وړیا لیدل کیدی شي. د هنر او کلتور کلتور پاس لپاره د لوږې سره، چې موخه یې د ټولنیز پلوه زیانمن شوي خلک دي (، کډوال ماشومان، کورنۍ او لویان کولی شي په لارښود سفرونو او ورکشاپونو کې برخه واخلي. برسېره پردې، ډلې او د ښه راغلاست ټولګي نړیوال میوزیم ته وړیا ننوتل ترلاسه کوي.



We attach great important to the creation of a place where people can meet and exchange impressions. Who is behind our collections? Together with people from the countries of origin of our numerous artefacts and artists and researchers from all over the world, how can render new aspects visible? How can we involve our visitors? Listening, enquiring, making a concerted effort to overcome frontiers and shaping our ideas are all part of the concept underlying our work, which we want to present not only in the museum but also in collaboration with our numerous partners at many other locations. 

Current projects
Completed projects
Saturdance Special

Since 2007 the format Saturdance has been a fixed part of the programme Tanz die Toleranz in the Brunnenpassage. The object of this format is to give people the most low-threshold access to dance and movement possible. The joint Saturdance Special workshops in the Weltmuseum Wien, which started in 2021, focus on the current themes of our exhibitions.

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ZukunftsKwizin was a three-year participatory art project with young women. The more than seventy participants form a diverse group with many different life experiences and interests. Important questions addressed by this collaborative effort are flight, gender, identity, feminism and shaping the future.

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JUMP!STAR Simmering

JUMP!STAR Simmering, a process-oriented artistic project organised by the Brunnenpassage cultural centre and the Weltmuseum Wien was originally scheduled to take place in the Viennese district of Simmering but was ultimately held online with a virtual format because of the social distancing measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Andersrum [vice versa] - An artistic intervention by Veronika Szücs

Veronika Szücs worked as a Fellow at the Weltmuseum Wien between December 2019 and November 2020 as part of her kültüřgemma! scholarship and prepared the alternative museum guide “Andersrum” – a graphic novel with protagonists from the display collection.

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Saturdance Special

Since 2007 the format Saturdance has been a fixed part of the programme Tanz die Toleranz in the Brunnenpassage. The object of this format is to give people the most low-threshold access to dance and movement possible. The joint Saturdance Special workshops in the Weltmuseum Wien, which started in 2021, focus on the current themes of our exhibitions.

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ASEMUS is a cross-cultural network of museums with Asian collections located in member countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). ASEMUS promotes mutual understanding through collaboration and the sharing of museum collections. Since 2000, ASEMUS has served as a useful platform for knowledge sharing between museum professionals in Asia and Europe. Since 2002 Weltmuseum Wien is part of this network.

The VCM is supported as a flagship project by the Asia Europe Foundation(ASEF) in Singapore and the Asia-Europe Museums Network (ASEMUS). This virtual collection of Asian masterpieces is a considerable research tool for anyone interested in Asian art and cultural history. It aims at promoting mutual understanding and appreciation between the peoples of Asia and Europe.

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